How to build the business of your DREAMS as an entrepreneur: your guide to a burn out FREE business

We all started our dream with a purpose, with a mission. But somewhere along the way, maybe you lost sight of that? Now you might be on your computer for 12 hours a day wondering, why did I start a business? I am working more than ever before. 

Now you are on track for burn out, which no one wants. Let me share with you how to take back control and build the business of your DREAMS! 

What is a dream?

All you need to do is a quick Google search to get this definition:  

“A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep OR an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream, such as:

  • a visionary, creation of the imagination: DAYDREAM 

  • a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality: REVERIE

  • an object seen in a dreamlike state: VISION”.

So let’s go with your vision. It is time to remember, your dreams belong to you. No one can tell you what you are allowed or not to dream about. What the business of your dreams should look like. 

Yet many of us are stuck in comparing ourselves, our business journey with others. I call this outsourcing your dreams in business to the guru. 

You are your own leader and you are allowed to create your own dreams.

Why is it risky to outsource your DREAMS in business?

Firstly, you need to take ownership of your dreams and your business dream, this starts by declaring yourself as the Sacred CEO of your business. 

What does it mean to be a CEO, a Sacred CEO? Check out more here. 

When you outsource your dreams in business you create a business that you hate, the one you are not in love with. 

You may be creating an evergreen business when actually you love in person workshops, retreats and connections, just because someone told you that’s the way to create a profitable business (which is a lie, I’ve seen both business models when executed with mastery being super profitable and when executed badly being not profitable at ALL).

So what is the business of your dreams? DM me on Instagram as I’d love to read your messages. 

Maybe you don’t know yet what is the business of your dreams and that’s actually the first letter of the acronym, the first step of the framework that I’m going to share now with you.

The 6 components of how to build the business of your dreams

1. D = Direction 

It is your why and where are you heading.

Work on your business energetics & strategy.

 To earn your first $1,000 and eventually $1,000,000, you must start to know who you are, what your vision is, what your growth plan is. For that, it is about weaving your own energetics with defining your unique strategy that capitalises on your strengths and compensates for your weaknesses. 

You will then have a business that is rooted in your vision, your uniqueness and your greatest assets (not the crap you hate). Let me leave you with one question to journal upon now. 

PROMPT: If anything was possible, what would your dream business look like in 10 years?

2. R = Research 

Your next action step is to focus on your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). This means: go and listen to those you want to serve to then invite them to work with you. Get your next 5 to 10 customers in the door.

Inside my private containers, like The Flow Business Accelerator, I share with you the best way to quickly understand your ideal customer avatar (ICA) that you want to serve with your products or services. 

Using this step-by-step ICA framework, I’ve guided thousands of entrepreneurs through to quickly figure out who they are serving and get paying clients through the door. 

PROMPT: Let’s start by being anthropologists, have an open mind and an open mind, be super curious about your ideal customer behaviours and do some “day in the life of” research.

3. E = Experimentation

People are going to be talking about your business and your offers. What do you want them to say? It is essential to build truly innovative offerings, which encompass: your brand, your go-to-market, your customer experience, and beyond. You will then command the attention of your ideal clients. No more fear of copycats!

PROMPT: What is your innovative offer? Illustrate or explain how it works and if it is innovative in its branding, its customer engagement, its go to market, etc. 

I always encourage my clients to draw it, to visualise it. Whether it is an app, a service, a product, it is powerful to create this dirty prototype to see holistically how it will stand out from the crowd. Within The Flow in Business Accelerator, I share a proprietary framework that I used for years in strategy consulting with 10 ways to create an innovative offer that no one can copy!

4. A = Alignment  

To master your business, you need to deliver consistently, show up for your clients and team consistently and take care of yourself too. 

But consistency is really hard without burning out if you don’t have the right accounting, structure, systems and processes in place. It is time to build these essential elements for your business that maximise your ROI while you take Fridays, Mondays (or the whole month of December/January) off. 

That’s why I call it alignment, because mastering your process looks different for everyone. 

PROMPT: Take one day of your week when you are working in your business and measure the time you spend on each task. Write which ones are repetitive tasks that are not adding value. And apply the golden rule of process and time management: 

Eliminate, simplify, automate, delegate. 

5. M = Monetization

To maximise your profit in business, you need to first bring attention to your money so that it can expand. In my program, you then learn how to track key investments, cash flows and set up financial systems for long-term growth so that you’re operating like a real entrepreneur, not a hobbyist.

PROMPT: Schedule a weekly profit date in your business, I personally do that on Thursday as it is Jupiter day, the day of expansion and abundance. 

Do you know, how much profit are you making?

Calculate Profit = Revenue - Expenses (including your salary but not including taxes). 

6. S = Squad 

S stands for squad, not solopreneur. Stop being a solopreneur! 

If you are trying to do everything by yourself, you are planning to fail. You won’t scale and will most likely burn out. Your next action step is to build a support team/squad that keeps you strong, focused, and successful as you build your side hustle or full time business.

What got you where you are will not get you to the next level. And when I speak about a team I don’t necessarily mean only a squad or team in your business. It can be in your personal life, nanny, cleaner, cook, dry cleaner, friend or family that can help you. 

PROMPT: List 3 to 5 people that can help you already and you can ask them for help and be open to receive the help.  

Final thoughts 

With each of these components, I have TWO things for you to go deeper after reading this article. 

1. The FREE GUIDE: The Business of your Dreams: Inside this free guide, you'll uncover your path to building a business that thrives even when you're not at your laptop. It is your game plan! 

Then you need to execute with accountability and a tailored personalised strategy for your business with… 

2. The Flow Business Accelerator: An accelerator to build strong business foundations that will last long into the future. After completing this accelerator program, you will have a working, profitable business model. The burnout-free (and sustainable business) you have been dreaming of - served with a side of deep connection. 


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