170: The social media wake-up call: rebuilding connection beyond the algorithm

What happens when one platform you’ve built your business on suddenly disappears?

In this episode of The Essential Shift Podcast, I’m sharing what I learned when my Instagram and Facebook accounts suddenly went dark - years of content, connections, and community conversations vanished in an instant. While I was able to get them back (so grateful to the person who helped me!) but two days later lost it all again, this unexpected pause is a wake-up call.

As social media fell silent, something else flourished:
✨ Deeper conversations in The Circle
✨ More engagement on LinkedIn
✨ Authentic exchanges in our email community

This experience inspired me to rethink where and how I show up online. For the next few months, I’m shifting how I share content and build community - not just moving platforms, but creating intentional spaces where we can have the deeper conversations our souls are craving. I hope it helps you re-think your marketing mindset. 

✨ Want to connect and build your business with a support network? JOIN THE CIRCLE


  • Why losing my social media accounts was the divine redirection I didn’t know I needed

  • The importance of building resilient, multi-platform communities

  • How deeper, more intentional spaces are the future of connection

  • Steps you can take to diversify your online presence and future-proof your business


  • Follow me on Substack - HERE

  • CONNECT with me on LinkedIn - HERE

  • Want to optimise your business and wellbeing? JOIN The Circle - HERE

  • GET your copy of LIGHT IT - HERE

  • Find out more about how to WORK WITH ME - HERE 

Bless it be.

With love, Laetitia!


171: Navigating neurodivergence, burnout & new beginnings with Michael Coles


169: Optimising performance as an entrepreneur with Jess Spendlove