160: Riding the ebbs and flows of business: preparing for cashflow dips

I want to chat about a big reality every business owner faces (and often this time of year sees it happen the most)... 

Cash flow dips. 

These moments can feel like setbacks, but with the right strategies and mindset, they can become opportunities for growth. 

In this episode of The Essential Shift Podcast, I’ll share actionable advice for building a cash flow buffer, navigating slow periods with confidence, and creating a sustainable financial foundation for your business.

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @essential.shift

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  • Why cash flow dips happen 

  • How to normalise them as part of a healthy business cycle

  • How to prepare with tools like savings buffers, diversified revenue streams, and strategic pricing

  • Practical steps to navigate dips, including forecasting, networking, and harnessing your intuition


  • Join amazing women in our female entrepreneur community in The Circle Membership - HERE

  • GET your copy of Light It - HERE 


  • Find out more about how to WORK WITH ME - HERE

  • LEARN how to diversify your revenue streams - HERE 

  • JOIN the next Quarterly Planning Session to map out your cash flow - HERE

  • BOOK an Intensive Session to gain clarity on your business finances - HERE

If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to share it on your Instagram stories and tag me @essential.shift.

Bless it be.

With love, Laetitia


161: Discovering strength, mindfulness, and resilience in business with Rikki Flanders


159: From Olympic Gold Medalist to Startup Founder with Bronte Campbell