The Oracle Card spread for the New Year

Welcome to a New Year and a new chance to make new intentions for 2022. As it is the New Year it is also a nice ritual to do an oracle card spread for the New Year.

With the Capricorn energy of the New Moon, I sat down and created a beautiful space for myself to set my 2022 intentions. I want to share with you how I did it.

What are oracle cards?

If you have never used oracle cards before, it is good to have some background knowledge. As I wrote in my blog post “The oracle card is not here to tell your future, they are here to guide you. They help you master your intuitive energy and are here to break patterns.

As we manifest in our day, oracle cards often reveal to us the path to what we are manifesting. They are a secret tool, but will only work when put in the right condition, when you are vibrating energetically to the Angels from the deck.

An oracle card can use animals, angels, trees, chakra, gods or goddesses and not one deck is the same”.

How to prepare for an oracle card spread?

To prepare to do your own oracle card spread, it is good to gain knowledge on the types of spreads you can do. For this one, I will be referring to the Celtic Cross Spread, which is a very traditional tarot spread, but can be used for both oracle or tarot.

Each oracle card deck also has their own spreads that are often guided in the book provided.

Before taking part in an oracle spread, I always connect to myself and my breath by doing a meditation. But if you want to learn more about oracle cards in my FREE video guide.

What is the New Year spread?

As mentioned, the New Year spread I use is called the Celtic Cross. It should look like this when you have finished:

When you do a spread like this you want to start with open questions. This could include:

  • What is my soul willing to create in the New Year?

  • What message is being revealed to me in this spread?

Choose your own and make sure you go with a “what message” type question. This spread will then give you a clear message of what your 2022 intentions are guided towards.

Shuffle and spread your cards and pull for these following messages (using the guide above):

  1. What is my present?

  2. What is my challenge?

  3. What is my past?

  4. What is my recent past?

  5. What is the outcome if nothing else changes?

  6. What is my path to the future?

  7. What is the message for me?

  8. What is the message about this situation

  9. What are my hopes and fears?

  10. What is the final outcome?

Once you have pulled all your cards you will see the bigger picture for 2022.

What is next?

Do it as you go or journal at the end but you want to journal on each card regarding the questions. Then find a meaning for each card either using the guidebook or your own intuition. Use the keywords, the images of the card, really paint a picture.

Each card has a story and then collectively the spread has a story to tell. What I do is make a story about the Celtic Cross and how it relates to my New Year, then I see how it resonated with me in that moment and what it will create for 2022.

Then I write down my intentions using the guidance of each card!

Final thoughts

If this is your first time doing a New Year spread, make sure you come over to Instagram and tell me how you went. If you are feeling stuck with your 2022 intention, this spread might give you the guidance you need!

Of course, I have many resources to help you with your oracle card journey including a blog post on how you can use oracle cards daily and a beginners guide to oracle cards masterclass.


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