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How to overcome procrastination and grow your business

Procrastination as an entrepreneur happens more often than you might think. I know many of you are stuck with procrastination and inspiration. Last week when someone asked me the question, how do you overcome procrastination and grow your business? I knew it was time for some content on this. 

In this article where we delve into the science and strategies behind overcoming procrastination to fuel the growth of your business. I will provide you with actionable insights aimed at empowering entrepreneurial spirits like you to reclaim control of your time and productivity.

What is Procrastination? Understanding procrastination with data

Procrastination isn't just a delay in tasks; it's a complex interplay of emotions and executive functioning. 

Research indicates that a staggering 76% of entrepreneurs report procrastinating for one to four hours per day, with a higher prevalence compared to salaried employees. This tendency to procrastinate can significantly impact productivity and emotional well-being, as individuals prioritise immediate pleasures over long-term rewards.

And you know what they say, time is money! 

How to overcome procrastination: accountability 

One powerful strategy to combat procrastination is through public accountability. 

Sharing your goals publicly creates a potent motivator to follow through, driven by the social pressure and expectation of meeting your commitments. 

By harnessing this external accountability, you can increase the likelihood of achieving your goals and overcoming procrastination hurdles. I talk about this in my book Light It. Showing you the power of declaring and “leaning in” to your vision. 

How to overcome procrastination: mentoring 

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in combating procrastination by providing structure, deadlines, accountability and guidance. 

I have seen this in my own work in the Business Birthing Retreat. One client who attended was able to completely build the framework, modules and plan of launch for her upcoming program. Something she had been meaning to do for 6 months. It is now part of her core offering, generating her revenue in her business.

You just have to look at my Case Studies to know how powerful mentoring can be for taking action. 

How to overcome procrastination: The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique offers a structured approach to time management, enhancing focus and productivity. 

By working in sprints of 25 minutes followed by short breaks, individuals can optimise cognitive performance, reduce burnout, and improve overall productivity. 

This method has been backed by data, highlighting its efficacy in combating procrastination and fostering a productive work environment.

How to overcome procrastination: tips and strategies

Several strategies can help entrepreneurs overcome procrastination and drive business growth:

  1. Setting Clear, Achievable Goals: Establishing specific and measurable goals enhances focus and drive, setting a clear path for success.

  2. Utilising Time Management Apps: Tools like ClickUp can improve self-discipline and organisation, facilitating efficient task management and progress tracking.

  3. Creating a Reward System: Implementing a reward system for task completion taps into the psychological mechanisms of motivation and reinforcement, encouraging consistent progress.

  4. Practising Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporating mindfulness and meditation practices can improve self-awareness and emotional regulation, mitigating procrastination tendencies and fostering a more focused mindset. Don’t have any rituals to support you? Download my FREE Rituals Guide to get started.

Final thoughts 

Procrastination may present as a challenge for all entrepreneurs, but with the right strategies and mindset shifts, entrepreneurs can overcome it and propel their businesses to new heights. 

Also remember, we have our days. Some days we won’t be productive and that is okay. 

But, by understanding the underlying causes of procrastination (and how you work), leveraging accountability mechanisms, embracing mentorship, adopting effective time management techniques, and implementing proven strategies, you can take decisive steps towards reclaiming your time and achieving your business goals.

If you need help understanding how you work and when you need more rest than action and vice versa, check out my article about the energy of the week.